Monday, January 28, 2013

conversations at my house

The following is from dinner tonight but we often have conversations about such adult like things and she has such a clear view on life.

It's hard not to laugh sometimes.

the conversation at my dinner table:
Grace: when I have a baby it'll come out my bell button
Me: babies come out of your vagina - not your belly button
Grace no - my belly button
Me: no my sweetheart - babies come out of your vagina.
Grace: 'ginas are for washing. not babies. belly buttons are for babies.

She is much a mom. She loves to nurse her babies, feed them, tuck them in and comfort them. 
She has a sling she uses to take her babies out but she figured out on her own how to use this old jumper to carry her babies. My mom helped her out by sewing ribbon on the front to make it a very secure and safe carrier.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


We recently started going back to church on a regular basis.
I've been a member of Free Church for many years now.
G and I had been making the trek on the streetcar for awhile.
Last March, I decided to really start making an active to attend as often as we can.

We've been getting pretty regular rides from a couple that live nearby in the hood which has been a super awesome blessing as well as a great chance to form a bond.

This morning we were up at 6:15 and G was ready to go by 7:15.
She kept saying we needed to hurry up and get ready or we'd be late for our friends.

This was us at 8:30 - watching Homeward Bound. New movie for G and she is fixated on the moment when Sassie the cat falls into the river but than gets rescued by the man.

Yes - She is holding her nipple. Its soothing for her.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


my daughter recently turned one.
we had a party on sunday and on wednesday we took cupcakes to moms lunch.

it is slightly crazy when I think how different my life has become.
instead of going out for dinner and shopping for movies, I go out to play dates and shop for sippy cups.

I am constantly cleaning a never ending mess. some nights I clean and some I don't. 
my laundry is as high as mount waddington.
I am still unpacking from my move - I moved at the end of june.
my sunglasses, camera, drink, wallet are constantly being taken from me by her...forcefully :)

and yet...
I love my days, long as they are. they start at 7 and end at 11 with a few wakings overnight.
its the "hi you' she greets apple (my cat) with every morning and all day :p
its the open mouth and sometimes head lean kisses with the 'ahh' sound.
its the cheering she does even when she hasn't done anything cheer worthy.

I think i do so well as a mom in our day to day because I used to nanny and its really not that different.
3 meals and 2 snacks a day
walks to the TDSB drop in, library, play dates, moms lunch and sometimes just walks.

I'm excited to see what the year will bring us :)

Monday, October 5, 2009


what is a friend?

From a friend is: 
  1. a person whom one knows well and is fond of; intimate associate; close acquaintance
  2. a person on the same side in a struggle; one who is not an enemy or foe; ally
  3. a supporter or sympathizer friend of labor
  4. something thought of as like a friend in being helpful, reliable, etc.
  5. any member of the Society of Friends; Quaker

I have been thinking a lot about friends lately... who can have friends, is it awful if you don't have any, what makes a friend, how do you measure friendships etc

I am about to go through a major change in my life and through the process I'm learning who my friends are.

I'm learning who texts me to check in, who would do anything for me, who would drive 3 hours just to see me.

I'm learning that I have "fake" friends and I'm not even sure if "fake" is the right word. I have friends who I love and love to see but don't keep in contact with and if I only see them once a year its more than great. I also have "convenience" friends and by this I mean friends who I see when one or both of us need something from the other. Or "convenience" friends because we go to the same gym or work together or go to church together.

How do you make your "fake" or "convenience" friends friends?? 

In a few weeks I will be a mom and I know that most of my friends will not make the transition over and I'm not really sure how to feel about that or what to do... Is it okay to let them go? or Do I need to work harder? Is it two sided... Why am I the only friend concerned about losing the other?

and I'm still trying to figure out...What is the definition of friend?

PS the picture above is one of my favorites. She is one of my best friends and I am lucky to have her in my life.

Monday, July 6, 2009

my other family

Sometimes we are lucky enough to have a bigger family then the one we are born too.
Don't get me wrong, I have a great family and now its even better as I can call Owen, Angus, Jennifer, Carsten and Popo my family too.

Jennifer was recently on CTV about her life with Owen.

below are the links for an article and TV clips:

Saturday, July 4, 2009

I hate blogging

Don't get me wrong, I love to talk.
And we all know that I love drama and that I love to create it but I hate blogging about it!

I think it's the act of sitting and writing it all out that kills me the most.
When I put my life down in words, it seems very lame and depressing.

I am grateful for amazing people in my life that are a constant source of amazing friendship, I wouldn't know what to do without them.

It is my life and I don't seem to know what to do with it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How to get from here to there...


This is something I have been pondering for awhile...
how to get from the person you are to the person you would like to be or think you are without getting lost and disconbobbled along the way...

So stay tuned as I shall post about it in the next day or two.

I am too tired to blog now nor do I want to blog about something shorter, this has been on my mind and needs to be written about...

BUT I did I promise J I would blog today so this is my weak stab at keeping that promise...

see you on thursday!